Ideal for people-on-the-go, broad spectrum hemp suspended in coconut oil, then encapsulated for easy consumption.
The costs of production and the intensity of labor and capital are complex and extensive. It is no different than other agricultural businesses.
It is worth pointing out that the longer term pattern for prices/mg or gram have fallen about ten fold in last decade and will likely keep moving in that direction in the future. Supply and demand are moving towards a cycle of prices moving down.
The cost is based on its perceived and known if not proven value you one’s life, health and well being.
Given there are multiple ways to take CBD, the time it takes to notice a difference can vary from minutes to weeks. That is, the effects from taking CBD. I will cover that first. Then discuss the ‘benefits’ from taking CBD for longer term health and well being.
There are four common ways to take CBD Precision Extract’s products. I will list them and the onset and duration of effects in parentheses:
With CBD, one can have pain relief minutes after applying it to an area. This serves to alleviate the symptom; but the underlying condition resolution could take much longer. It could be that CBD or CBD full spectrum can be that resolution. However, I would suggest starting with CBD as a protocol towards living more health, but that integrating into your life better nutrition based on your situation is well worth exploring.
As new products are introduced in the future, we will update this information to include what you need to better understand the use of each product.
Given that in general, those over fifty or sixty show the accumulation of degenerative disease, illness and symptoms including pain with seemingly ever increasing impact on one’s quality of life, it is worth exploring. The use of CBD is spreading via word-of-mouth, CBD adoption is increasing as the word spreads from their friends and family of stories of success in managing all sorts of pains, headaches and beyond.
Again, the dosage and the dosing is as recommended in previous answers: start at a low level and increase over time, sensing and intuiting the changes in your own physiology, mood and well being. Find your own dose and dosing level over time.
It is in older adults with possibly decades of degeneracy or nutritional deficiencies not recognized by the medical establishment—since they receive little to no nutritional training or anything regarding the ECS— that older adults may have multiple aches and pains, heart, nervous condition, mental issues. It is not unusual to see a person taking multiple drugs that their doctor has prescribed. The average in the USA is 7 for women and 5 for men.
The good news is that using CBD in one form or another can result in an individual not having to take as much or possible desist taking a particular drug. If you were to explore the nutritional solutions alone with CBD, you might find that you no longer need some if not all the drugs you are currently taking, saving wear and tear on the body, the endless list of side effects and the cost!
As mentioned in the short answer, the government has even created a drug containing CBD isolate (Yes. The FDA has allowed the drug version of CBD (Epidiolex) for children. We sell the natural form of CBD. ).
The dosage would be based on 1-6mg for every 10 pounds of body weight. But again, health, sex, age and other basic conditions should be considered when using this natural plant.
It is best to start at a minimum dose and continue using for several days if not a week. By observing the well being, physically and mental of the child, any symptoms that were present in the beginning and how they are after use, one can increase the dosage over time in a sensible manner. This can be done for several weeks seeking a level of use that is showing the best results.
Yes, experimentation is often necessary, but often you have a medical practitioner that you are working with that has some experience in the dosages and reactions for children. If not, CBD is safe and by working intelligently and with close regard to the child, you have the greatest chance of seeing your child find resolution for conditions, symptoms or other health indicators that will make for a more ‘healthy Self’ through “Heal-Thy-Self.”
Ask your family physician…
CBD tinctures and oils are increasingly popular with veterinarians. Why? Animals do not show placebo effect, they only show or demonstrate whether a treatment works or not. CBD has shown through animal behavior, healing or reversal of health conditions that it works. It has been used around the country with horses, cats and dogs. The full range animals, birds, fish or whatever species is growing as they all have ECS, therefore the need for activation.
As with humans, the key is the weight of the creature. It would be best to start with a low dosage for first few days and increase the dosage over time based on how the creature reacts.
All mammal will average 1-6mg/10 pounds of body weight daily, but vary due to factors discussed.
The various products suggest the amount to be taken on the label. The Tincture is best taken under the tongue where you allow it to be absorbed by the blood vessels there for immediate and easiest way to get it into the blood stream. Hold it under the tongue for at least 60 seconds, swish around your mouth for a bit and then swallow.
The gel caps are to be taken orally as suggested on the label. If you take more than one a day, take at different times of the day to optimize the availability to the body over the whole day.
The gummies should be consumed anytime during the day as a snack and as a way to increase the CBD activation of the ECS to improve overall effectiveness and well being of your body and mind.
The CBD topicals should be applied by rubbing on the body in an area where one has pain, abrasion or skin condition that you would like to treat. This can be done once or several times over the waking hours to improve healing.
Any way you take it, CBD, it will end up in your endocannabinoid system working its magic.
The recommended dose is 1-6 mg/10 pounds. *
The right dose for any individual is subjective and can vary due to sex, age, weight, general health and other factors.
When taking a CBD product, like an oil or tincture, it is best to begin with a small dosage for the first several days. Take time to notice any physical or mood changes in your life. If all is good, then increase the dosage. Do these until you find a dose that works or does not work for you. Generally, a dose of 25 mg daily, plus or minus is the suggested dosage based on research to date.
After taking for a week or ten days and you are unsure if you are sensing any positive effects in your health, a particular ailment, mood or stress, stop taking for 2-3 days. Then notice how you are doing. Many people state that their health, ailment, mood or stress levels change for the worse and they go back to taking CBD.
Yes, it is very personal and it is your body and mind. So treat yourself with respect and listen carefully to what your mind and body tell you.
CBD is CBD whether from a cannabis plant or a hemp plant. Actually CBD and some other cannabinoids are found in a number of other plants, but in much smaller amounts and sometimes, called CBD-like compounds (Or Cannabimimetics) . This includes flaxseeds, Black pepper, Hops & Mangos, Echinacea, Liverwort, Rhododendon, Keeribos and Cacao.
The laws for each county and state in the USA are changing. There is a growing awareness of the health benefits and the resistance of the state and the federal governments to try and control our lives is most evident in such areas as consumption or use of cannabis and hemp. Going to the web and searching out an interactive map of the ever fast changing rules and regulations, laws and such is well worth knowing for your locality.
It is possible with A FULL SPECTRUM cannabis product and/or actions an individual has been involved in that may have had some THC or THCa present. Many products contain cannabinoids above and beyond what the label says. That said, a CBD isolate only or a CBD broad spectrum, THC free, with know lab reports showing it is clean of any THC/THCa should not cause a drug test issue. But note that any quantity of THC/THCa in the product, then these cannabinoids tend to accumulate over time, increasing the potential for a ‘reading’ causing a POSITIVE on a drug test.
It would be best to consult with your medical adviser and make an informed decision to avoid any concerns.
A final note. The benefits of activating your ECS has benefits both physically and mentally are beyond question. Cannabinoids are an ideal way to do this. However, there is another way to get a minimum if not average improvement in the ECS. That is by consuming one or more grams of essential fatty acids, with a focus on omega-3 and omega-6. These will activate the ECS and bring about some of the benefits mentioned. Given that some 80% of the America population is deficient in essential fatty acids, their ECS remains dormant.
Given the literal 5,000 year history in the cultivate and the use of cannabis and hemp plant n Asia, India and Middle East, many indigenous peoples and natural-based cultures, traditional and nature-based medical practitioners have observed the health benefits of the leaf and bud.
The discovery of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) as discussed previously in the 1980’s by scientist, the Western world has awakened to the value of the ECS. During their research, scientists have learned that the system will also recognize and respond to cannabinoids from external sources, including the phytocannabinoid Cannabidiol (CBD) that is found in all our products.
According to the National Institute of Health, manipulating the Endocannabinoid System by introducing external cannabinoids like CBD could be useful in treating a variety of medical ailments, including: Pain, Epilepsy,Multiple Sclerosis (MS),Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS),Parkinson’s, Inflammation,Acne,Dyskinesia,Psoriasis,Broken Bones, Mad Cow Disease, Depression, Bacterial Infections, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Nausea, Anxiety, ADHD, Schizophrenia, Substance Abuse/Withdrawal, Heart Disease, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Keep in mind that this CBD potential benefits listed is not a full list, and we are only beginning to discover how cannabinoids can help and heal. Lastly, be aware, even though this research comes from National Institute of Health, the regulatory oriented agencies, like the Federal Drug Administration have not approved any such research and we are not making any claims or conclusions based on these peer-reviewed research efforts in the USA and around the world.
No. CBD is but one of the over 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis or hemp plant. There are others, but in ever lesser amounts by weight or percentage. It is only THC and THCa that can cause the euphoric high associated with the cannabis plant! This high is not natural and often results in the individual feeling unnatural under some influence, known as ‘getting high.’
There is another effect however, that any user must be aware of when consuming, using or however taking any hemp or cannabis plant. Even if there is no THC/THCa, the benefits from taking CBD and/or any full spectrum CBD product is the improve mental disposition. Taking them can cause the ECS to activate CB1 receptors and improve your mood, lower your stress levels or give you an overall sense of well being. It is this improved mood, similar to any activities (exercise) or foods/nutrients causing an increased flow of endorphins naturally in the body and mind leading to a total sense of wellbeing.
THC/THCa causes an unnatural high. CBD improves the body’s overall balance and well being resulting in a general sense of being on top of your game, ready and able to be ‘all you can be.’
The human body has a well understood and acknowledged ‘primary’ immune system (PIS) for protection from ‘non self’ or foreign pathogens that can cause damage. There is, however, a 2nd immune system that has been overlooked and, well, turned-off, but nevertheless available. It was only recently ‘discovered’ in the 1980’s. It is still not taught about in medical colleges, but it is a well recognized fact among researchers and practitioners.
It is called the Endo Cannabinoid System (ECS). It has been around since the beginning of time, but for recent decades if not centuries, non active. Why? Because the necessary compounds or nutrients needed to activate it and keep it running—like gasoline for an engine of a vehicle— have been deficient or not available. The fuel is called a Cannabinoid. There are two forms: 1) an internally produced Cannabinoid, called Endocannabinoid and 2) a phytocannabinoid, a naturally occurring concentrated chemical compound present in resin in the leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant. Either can activate the ECS system via what are called Cannabinoid receptors located throughout the human body.
These Cannabinoid receptors are referred to as CB1 and CB2, and they are activated by Cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is the most available Cannabinoid available in the cannabis plant and it is a key activator of the ECS today!
Basically, these receptors play a specific role in physiological processes such as appetite, perception of pain, memory and your mood. The CB1 receptor is expressed in the brain (e.g., the central nervous system), but also in the lungs, liver and kidneys. The CB2 receptor is primarily expressed in the immune system and the cells in red bone marrow (the core of your bones). However, they are more commonly thought of as stem cells – building blocks for all other cells in the human body (think transplants, cancer and immune system treatments). Finally, they can also be found in the pelvis, femur and sternum of adults and in the umbilical cord of newborns.
Finally, these two immune systems, the PIM and the ECS, overlap in their ability to protect the body from invasion and enhance the overall health of the body. In addition, given the added ability of the ECS to improve homeostasis, the overall balance of all functions in the body are enhanced, and provide overall greater performance of the body to remain healthy, fight off disease and any other foreign invasion. When both systems are working, the shield of protection is increased by a magnitude, not just doubled; together they insure a truly better and much higher level of health, wellbeing and quality of life for those affected.
It is well known and understood that any plant, shrub or tree found on the face of the Earth has natural healing or medicinal value for humans. Thomas Edison said it best (1902), “There were never so many able, active minds at work on the problems of disease as now, and all their discoveries are tending toward the simple truth that you can’t improve on nature.”
The resinous flower of cannabis and hemp are no exception and a prime example of this well understood fact. The hemp plant, Cannabis sativa L., produces over 100 unique compounds known as cannabinoids (113 found to date by reputable research groups) and endow the plant with its robust therapeutic profile. Their healing powers have been known for over 5 thousand years starting in Asia, India and surrounding cultures/societies. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the best known ‘phytocanabinoids’ —a plant derived ‘Cannabinoid’— versus an ‘endo’-cannabinoid, one created naturally in the body. (See next question for explanation.) CBD is safe to use, a non-addictive substance that does not make one ‘high’. CBD was discovered in 1940. It may be only one of the over one hundred identified cannabinoids, but can account for up to 80% of the plant’s extract.